

aplikace, kter  pom h  cyklist…m naj¡t bezpeŸnØjç¡ trasy


elektrokola na dod n¡ zbo§¡


ýeçen¡ pro monitorov n¡ kvality ovzduç¡

Jonna AB

We offer bikes on monthly subscription with service, insurance and break down services included for a low fee. To accomplish our goal we have so far built our own range of bikes.

Alli Hop Travel

Allihop makes it easy for employees to access green travel. Allihop is the first green business travel platform with direct booking capacity for trains, buses, e-cars, e-scooters and bikes. Soon available all over Europe.


Last-mile delivery robotic platform that allows for cargo transportation eventually can be equipped with various forms of a superstructure


Vyu§¡v  velk  data, umØlou inteligenci a strojov‚ uŸen¡ ke zvìçen¡ vìkonu s¡tØ, spolehlivosti slu§eb a spokojenosti cestuj¡c¡ch.


CycleAI is on a mission to empower micromobility users for safety. We designed a neural network to estimate the safety score of any given image from bicycle users? perspectives. We place the safest and most reliable routes at people?s fingertips!