Florian Rothfuss

Country of Origin
Florian has spent over 15 years in the mobility industry, starting by building up a Competence Center at Fraunhofer IAO for Mobility and Smart City Design with more than 120 employees. During this time, he was the Director and established a joint lab with MIT called Ambient Mobility. The focus was on exploring how converging trends such as electrification and sharing could be used to re-design the mobility solutions in our cities. Mr. Rothfuss also founded a start-up called ChargeLounge GmbH for stationary fast-charging plus services, filed various patents, and was a global speaker on the topic of Future Mobility. For the last 6 years, Florian has been at Porsche AG – and as Manager, helped create the VW Garage Mobility Lab with a first investment in the area of mobility and parking. Currently, he is the Director for Customer Innovation/Digital Business and is working with various start-ups related to mobility services, cycling and health, and lifestyle. Florian studied Business Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe.