Petr Bažant

Country of Origin
Czech Republic
Area of Expertise
missing data
Business Development, Business Strategy, Key Account Management, Product and Market development, Technology Transfer,20 years in research as a researcher and top manager, 7 years in diplomatic service (Brussels, Algeria), 10 years at top managerial posts in private companies like Olivetti and largest Prague trade fair organizer ABF, marketing lecturer in Dutch system NIMA (A, B, C),10 years in business development in research, innovation and technology transfer and 5 years as manager of the cluster of Czech Biotech companies CechBio. Project management, Strategic Planning, Business Skills and Marketing Training, 1971-1991 Research Institute VUZORT (researcher, scientific director), 1991-1994 VUZORT, a.s. (CEO and Chairman), 1995 Olivetti CR (director of after sale service), 1996-1999 ABF a.s. (Technical Director), 1999-2003 MFA (Director of Czech Center Brussels), 205-2006 MFA (Commercial Counselor Algeria), 2007-2016 IEM AS CR (Head of Technology Transfer, vice chairmen of Supervisory Board), 2008-2016 Bioinova, s.r.o. (CEO)