

Veomo zobrazuje v re ln‚m Ÿase dostupnou mobilitu v okol¡ vaç¡ budovy. Zobrazuje £daje o mobilitØ sni§uje parkovac¡ m¡sta pro automobily a podporuje udr§itelnost


zpracovan¡ dat o mØstsk‚ mobilitØ


datov  platforma spoleŸnosti Vianova umo§åuje lepç¡ integraci a spolupr ci mezi mØsty a souvisej¡c¡mi pýepravn¡mi slu§bami


Volvero is an app for sharing vehicles that connects owners with people who need one, saving time and money. Through AI

2C s.r.l.

our company is creating a smart cane powered by AI named JUSTEP to help blind and visually impaired people navigate safely in the streets by the help of AI image processing and highly accurate GPS

RWInnoTec GmbH

We primarily pursues the development, manufacture and sale of devices based on radio wave technology for the environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable solution of urgent problems of our time with a current focus on road rehabilitation.


PowerContact developed HedgeHog. Maintenance-free Joints, which are innovative products to connect strong current bus-bars, cables for safer, sustainable electricity networks with significantly fewer maintenance costs and less risk to fail operation and damaging the electricity network even in case of short circuit. Hedgehog is not only for transformer stations but also for city trams lines. […]


N stroje pro detekci cest, kter‚ automaticky sn¡maj¡ a kombinuj¡ cestovn¡ informace cestuj¡c¡ch. Ukazuj¡, kter‚ trasy trp¡ pýet¡§en¡m nebo naruçen¡ a umo§åuj¡ mØst…m a obŸan…m prov dØt efektivnØjç¡ rozhodnut¡, kter  çetý¡ Ÿas, frustrace a pen¡ze.