
Veomo zobrazuje v re lnm ase dostupnou mobilitu v okol¡ vaç¡ budovy. Zobrazuje £daje o mobilitØ sni§uje parkovac¡ m¡sta pro automobily a podporuje udr§itelnost

zpracovan¡ dat o mØstsk mobilitØ

Volvero is an app for sharing vehicles that connects owners with people who need one, saving time and money. Through AI
We develop a spatial search engine that optimizes location choices for smart cities by aggregating data from various sources and automating recurring workflows.
GoRolloe creates low tech devices that retrofit to existing vehicles to filter air pollution focusing on harmful particulate matter from non-exhaust emissions.
Surplus Map
We integrate data from different sources in a map interface that is very easy to use to help energy companies, local/regional governments, and charge point operators to work together as a team and build more charging points for electric vehicles.
WeCreate GmbH
With WeCreate, we have created an analogue and digital network that enables project-related cooperation between municipal administrations, the business community, political parties and citizens.


We at Pet finder want to deliver to our users not only a way to locate their pet but a way to make their lives with pets easier and more fun. On our application, they will find several fun options for locating, but also, tips and tricks on pet food & accessories, pet-friendly locations rated […]