Smart cities


N stroje pro detekci cest, kter‚ automaticky sn¡maj¡ a kombinuj¡ cestovn¡ informace cestuj¡c¡ch. Ukazuj¡, kter‚ trasy trp¡ pýet¡§en¡m nebo naruçen¡ a umo§åuj¡ mØst…m a obŸan…m prov dØt efektivnØjç¡ rozhodnut¡, kter  çetý¡ Ÿas, frustrace a pen¡ze.

Urban Radar

Cloudovì software agreguj¡c¡ data o mobilitØ a infrastruktuýe v re ln‚m Ÿase do platformy pro vizualizaci, analytiku a prediktivn¡ funkce, kter‚ umo§åuj¡ chytýejç¡ rozhodov n¡, optimalizovanou spr vu zdroj… a spolupr ci napý¡Ÿ fragmentovanìmi ýeçen¡mi.


elektrokola na dod n¡ zbo§¡


aplikace kter  planuje trasy napý¡Ÿ oper tory (mhd, sd¡len‚ prostýedky, vlaky…apod.)


technologick  platforma pro intermod ln¡ mobilitu pro ýidiŸe a taxislu§by

City Barometr

We have found out that municipality management more and more would like to know what their inhabitants think about problems of their city. Currently, there is no fast and cheap way to find it out. Therefore, we developed a solution. Our City Barometer is a system which helps cities to analyze problems of their city […]


Vyu§¡v  velk  data, umØlou inteligenci a strojov‚ uŸen¡ ke zvìçen¡ vìkonu s¡tØ, spolehlivosti slu§eb a spokojenosti cestuj¡c¡ch.


DIMTech offers smart lighting control and communication unit built inside the lamp for smart city applications. It provides a comprehensive series of functions for cities that wants to become smart by providing services for citizens, tourists and saving energy in public lighting at the same time. DIMTech?s system is a complete software solution and unique […]