
N stroje pro detekci cest, kter automaticky sn¡maj¡ a kombinuj¡ cestovn¡ informace cestuj¡c¡ch. Ukazuj¡, kter trasy trp¡ pýet¡§en¡m nebo naruçen¡ a umo§åuj¡ mØst m a oban m prov dØt efektivnØjç¡ rozhodnut¡, kter çetý¡ as, frustrace a pen¡ze.
Urban Radar

Cloudovì software agreguj¡c¡ data o mobilitØ a infrastruktuýe v re lnm ase do platformy pro vizualizaci, analytiku a prediktivn¡ funkce, kter umo§åuj¡ chytýejç¡ rozhodov n¡, optimalizovanou spr vu zdroj a spolupr ci napý¡ fragmentovanìmi ýeçen¡mi.

elektrokola na dod n¡ zbo§¡


elektrokola na dod n¡ zbo§¡

aplikace kter planuje trasy napý¡ oper tory (mhd, sd¡len prostýedky, vlaky…apod.)

technologick platforma pro intermod ln¡ mobilitu pro ýidie a taxislu§by

Baselight 420X is the next-generation truly mobile LED light tower that brings a massive change in the market for temporary light. It has been developed from the ground up with extensive input from professionals in the rental and rescue industry over several years. Baselight is the only truly portable light system in the world that […]

BeeSafe is a next-generation personal, citizen, and corporate safety platform providing safety monitoring of people, citizens, family members, or employees. Using a smartphone or smartphone watch, BeeSafe monitors their activity and issues an automatic call for help should an incident happen. Based on user behavior, 3rd-party incident reports, and advanced analytics, the BeeSafe platform creates […]
Breeze Technologies

monitoring znØiçtØn¡ ovzduç¡